Sharing your journey through the 01355207 course — Reflection 2

Fon Lalyn
2 min readApr 25, 2022

Reflection (2) for English Correspondence course

January 28, 2022, was the beginning of our first challenge.

That was the right time for us to start practicing after we had learned from this course for 2 weeks.

We worked together in our first assignment to write the invitation email. We thought that we had tried very hard on this work, but we still made some mistakes in the punctuation, grammar, and word selection. Therefore, we realized it was time for us to improve our writing. In order to improve our writing skills, we learned that practice is the key to our success.

Key to Success.

“Practice makes perfect.” — This phrase never gets old and is always modern.

By reading and doing exercises, we will become familiar with the style of writing and can select the appropriate words for various situations. Moreover, we believe practice not only helps us to learn faster but also helps to identify what we are missing.

As a result, we understand that having good teamwork will help us work more effectively. Good teamwork requires teamwork, collaboration, and central understanding with all members collaborating with effort in the same direction.

If we listen to each other and give a chance for each member to share their ideas, this will help us better understand the objectives of the work and develop an excellent workpiece.

Stay tuned for Reflection 3. ☆




Fon Lalyn

A life-learner and student of the world. Writing is one of my passion. I am excited to share my ideas and interesting perspectives towards lessons of life.